Daisy can be done with 4 petals or 8 petals or as many as you required. :)
This design can be done one by one or in a bunch so that it can be like a hydrangea flower (refer to below picture)
Hydrangea flower can be done this way or in a rounder shape to represent more like a real Hydrangea flower
Normally tulip has 3 petals, but it also can have 5 petals to add more volume to it. Its all up to you.
Normally we will use this design for the stem, however you can opt for finer stem which we will be using cross stitch thread, which can be seen in below picture
More design will come soon. InsyaAllah. :) Happy designing and imagining beautiful things. As the saying goes, when imagination runs wild so will you. hehe. Chaiyok!!~ :)