
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sweet Carnation Pillow

We made this special pillow as a wedding gift for our good friends, Ain and Pudin for their wedding last 11.11.2011. What a nice and a special date they chose for their special day right? :) 

This pillow is being filled with beautiful carnations flowers, daisies and some french knots. hope they like it.

front view

close view of the design


french knots

the carnations..


SIZE: 16" x 16"
MATERIAL USED: Velvet (fabric) and Satin Ribbons (Ribbon Embroideries)

Would love to give this design of pillow to your beloved? Place your order here.

1 comment:

  1. haah.. chantek sgt syaima'.. we both love your special hand-crafted pillow ni.. so touched u know.. =)
